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Launch Party

by Jill & Cathy on October 14, 2012

Hosted by Angela Lerew of Unexpected Elegance

We are lucky to have the most amazing group of supporters. Our friends and family have done much encouraging as we have ventured into creating our own website.  We have so many people to be thankful for!  One of them is Angela Lerew, blogger at Unexpected Elegance, neighbor and close friend.  Angela has an amazing talent at creating events that are positively perfect!  When she approached us last spring and said she wanted to host a launch party for our website, it was easy to agree to.  As we expected, everything about the party was more than we could have imagined.  Every detail was perfectly planned.  To see all of the details – visit Angela at Unexpected Elegance.






Jill and Cathy with our host – Angela.  Angela not only hosted the party but has also provided us with great advice as we’ve gotten our web site started.




Angela needed help to pull off this event.  We are busy teaching during the day so we were little help leading up to the party.  We are lucky to have friends who stepped up and helped Angela Friday while we were working!




Jill and Cathy with our web designer, Heather Moritz of Moritz Fine Designs.   Heather is a former teacher who also happens to be a former neighbor.





 You will find our free printables to match our apple party theme here…

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